My Crazy Pets: Random Shots

Ciao all.

I'm sick and curled up on the couch in the Boyfriend's sweatpants right now, eating what has to by now be the end of a loaf of toast and begging whatever deity will hear me that I won't end up yarking it all up yet again. On the plus side, the Boyfriend bought me a Nook Colour for my birthday (woot!) and I've been taking the time to navigate it. It's time for a blog post, but I'm exhausted and feeling gross and not the least bit clever, witty, passionate or intellectual. I'm just going to chuck some cute animal pics at you.

First two super quick things:

1.     Tomorrow is election day. VOTE. I’m not a political animal, but we’re deciding the leader of our country. Just freaking vote. A word about me: My imaginary/invisible blog readers probably think I’m a Democrat because of a lot of my stances on subjects I’ve mentioned (er, ranted about) in my blogs, but I’m actually a registered Independent. I dislike politics, am not one who sees everything in black or white (Democrat/Republican), don’t trust most politicians, because honestly, when you’re trying to please everybody, you can’t ever, ever be honest. I will gladly share who I’m voting for and why, because though I hate people who throw their political opinions in everybody’s face (faces? Face.), I don’t see who I’m voting for as some sort of filthy little secret.

…and now the Cradle of Filth song is stuck in my head…

Anyway, big surprise, I’m voting for Obama. And though I disagree with just about everything Romney says, and can’t quite grasp why any woman on the planet could possibly vote for him, I’m not casting my vote due to hatred of one candidate over the other. The three main reasons I’m voting for Obama are:

a. His progressive (rather than regressive) views on society, such as gay rights.
b. His protection of women's rights
c. Obamacare...I'm one of the few people I’ve talked to who have actually studied it and find it to be a positive choice for me and for the country as a whole.

So there’s my hop on the political soapbox. The second thing: On the subject of Nanowrimo, after much fuss I’ve decided that I am not ready to let go of Demetrius and Chloe, even for just a month. Can’t happen. That being said, I’ve put myself on a strict regimen for the month. It’s not a word count due to my obsessive need to edit, edit, edit not being fully under control. My goal is to get past the Dinner Party chapter that has been in my head for so long. Considering that according to my outline, the Dinner Party was due to happen around Chapter 5 and I’m currently on Chapter 16…this chapter could be many, many pages away.

Now, cute pics!

She looks like the flying creature from the Neverending Story. Or  Sir Didymus from Labyrinth.
Oh, shit...they've spotted me.
Not sure what Rufio was doing with Creepydoll. Not sure I want to know.
This is what happens when you kiss your cat, forgetting you're wearing red lipstick.


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