My Gushy Valentine's Day Love Spew

First off, and I swear this post isn't like this, but I have to say it: Happy V Day, Boyfriend. <3


Mid February for me is the time when my Facebook news feed is as divided as it is during election times. Couples (okay, women) boast about their Valentine’s Day plans, post pictures of “surprise” gifts from their partners, and gush more proclamations of everlasting love than Shakespeare on E. On the other side of the coin, overly bitter single friends post scathing remarks about the most despised of Hallmark holidays and a barrage of lonely posts that come dangerously close to high school emo poetry.

As far as I’m concerned…well, I’m the girlfriend of a chef, and Valentine’s Day is one of the biggest restaurant days of the year. So…

Don't worry, I'm kidding.
I drink liquor, not coffee.

It’s a bummer, but I’ve never been very big on Valentine’s Day. I’m a romantic girl, but not in a candy and flowers kind of way (must…resist urge…to make…sex joke…!). But even if it’s never been a huge deal in the romantic department for me, I really like Valentine’s Day.

It’s been discussed that we throw the word love around too much, therefore diminishing its value. I don’t believe that. If you’re reading this, chances are you know me personally, and you know how ridiculously affectionate I am with anyone within arm’s reach. Friends are subjected to a constant stream of pet names; hun, lovely, beautiful, cutie, sweetie, darling, caro/a, babe, even “my love.” And, as I’ve mentioned previously, I’m also extremely physically affectionate. With the exception of less than a handful of people, if I know you, I love you.

And honestly, I am more than happy to throw that word around. I think we should throw it around more often. Because I mean it. I do love you. If you’re a friend of mine, I definitely love you. I’ve already done a love spew on this blog, but around this time of year, it bears repeating. I’m all over you because I’m excited to see you (like a dog when you walk in the door!). I drunk text you because I love hearing what’s up in your life and for some reason I’m much better at keeping in contact with people while intoxicated. The Boyfriend obviously has a different role in my heart than friends and family, but that doesn’t cheapen my love for everybody else. So if Valentine’s Day is a day of depression and loneliness for you, please cheer up. It breaks my heart to see you down. Seeing as I’m playing the role of chef widow this holiday, I’m more than happy to listen if you need to vent or just need to chat with someone.

Everyone have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, whatever it is you’re doing with it.

I adore you.


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